
Open for Business

My friend Nikki gave me some inspiration for helping with chores through her blog (which you can find here). We decided to scrap the whole chore chart thing. I honestly hated the chore charts. I love that I can teach my children about earning money and saving for things instead. We had a lot of fun this week passing out paper money and the boys were extra helpful with their chores.

I liked how Nikki doesn't take away money for bad behavior... she's right, that's no fun! Of course I had to motivate them a occassionally to keep trying to earn money (especially since they hadn't been shopping at our fun store yet). Overall, I just LOVE this idea! We will definitely be doing this every week!

This week we had things like silly putty, hot wheels, stickers, glue sticks, and most definitely a treat or two:)

I enjoyed watching them count their money:)

(by the way... that's Ethan's poor busted lip :( .   He slipped in the kitchen a couple days ago and I thought it would be a trip to urgent care, but thankfully it has been healing quickly!)

I found the template for the play money on the stinky kids web page. Check it out!


Nikki Schreiner said...

Yay! I'm so glad this is working for you! I never even got so far as to make a chore chart. Different things need done on different days, ya know!?

I forgot to mention my one rule about Mom Bucks: No asking for Mom Bucks!! They are not allowed to ask or pester me for a Mom Buck for any reason. :)

ohhollyf said...

Awesome, they'll learn fast !

Jsummey said...

Wow!!! $5 for a candy bar?? I won't be shopping with you anytime soon. Or maybe that was your intent so they wouldn't choose the sugar! Hee Hee. Love the idea. Looks like fun!