
Ethan's First Smile!!!

Ethan started smiling this week! He actually smiled at Grandpa (my dad) for the first time, so I kept trying to get him to smile all day today at me. I finally got him to do it, and believe me that I had the camera ready to go! I was a little bummed at first that he didn't smile at me before Grandpa, but I really do think that it was pretty sweet. My dad felt pretty special, I think:) I can't wait to see a whole bunch more of those sweet faces, and to hear him actually laugh for the first time will be a real treat.  I love you baby Ethan!

A Day to Remember

Memorial day was a day to remember. We went to my parents house to spend it with out of town relatives. I really do enjoy getting to see everyone, especially because get-togethers are few and far between now a days. My Aunt Cheryl and new Uncle Roger came in from Minnesota, Unlce Bob and Aunt Lydia were in from Loveland, and Uncle Don, Cher, and Cousin Sarah came from Yoder, Colorado. We spent the day catching up with each other and the guys decided to play some music on there instruments. It is a running joke in our family that they have never been able to finish playing an entire song. They always seem to start but I don't think I have ever heard them finish even one. I must say they do sound pretty good together though. The boys were a big hit with everyone and I really hope that they get to grow up knowing family.


A Day at the "Beach"

Yesterday we decided it would be a great day to go to Cherry Creek Reservoir! We brought our Subway lunch to a nice picnic area and let Andrew run around for a while. Then we headed over to the swimming beach. Andrew wasn't too excited about this and didn't really know what to think of all that water. He just sort of stood there for a little bit and looked around. I think if he were to go again with some fun sand toys he will really enjoy himself. Ethan went with us but he slept almost the whole time in his car seat so there aren't any good pics of him. Ryan and I really enjoyed our time together as a family and hope that we have many, many more trips like this. As the boys get older we will be able to take them to do a lot more. We want to have a lot of great family memories of the fun things we do together. Can't wait to see what we decide to do next!


Who's Who?

So I've been saying that it is soooooooooo hard to tell my boys apart in there early pictures. The other day when I had my mom over I showed her some pics of Andrew and she thought they were of Ethan. Can you tell them apart? The first pic is of Andrew and the second is of Ethan. I am so excited to see how different they will turn out. 


A Sunny Day

I decided to take the boys downstairs for a walk the other day. So I loaded up Ethan in the backpack carrier and Andrew in his new monkey "harness". It took forever to get downstairs and Andrew liked to keep playing with the rocks. Once we got to the picnic table and sat for a snack it was a little easier to relax. I think Andrew liked the time out, but I can't wait until I don't have to climb up and down those wretched stairs to get anywhere! Maybe we will enjoy the outdoors a little more often:)


My First Blog!

So I decided that it would be the time to finally start my blog. I was looking at old pictures of my first son Andrew and I realized that time really does fly by! I don't want to forget those great moments and I thought that it would be wonderful to look back some day at all of those wonderful things that have happened! 

I guess the first thing I would like to "blog" about is our new son, Ethan. He was born on April 11th at 3:47 AM. Labor was quick, but of course painful:) I didn't expect to have him that day as I was scheduled to be induced the following monday night. Our wonderful friends watched Andrew overnight for us as we called them around midnight to let them know "it was time". My husband, mom, and great friend Melissa were there in the room for his arrival. I have told a few people that I feel like I am in a time warp. I feel like I have two Andrews. He looks just like Andrew did at his age and I have to keep reminding myself that I have two different boys, with different personalities. 

Ethan is starting to mellow out a bit and adjust to life outside mommy's tummy. He's had a few small issues with colic. I am sure it could have been a lot worse, but I am thankful that his medicine is helping tremendously and that he is starting to sleep a little better.

The life of the mother of two boys is proving to be a lot of work, but I enjoy it very much. My boys are wonderful with a lot of personality and I can't wait to watch them grow.